Interest rates went down this week! That was nice to see after a few months of dramatic increases. In the past recessions, interest rates go up at the beginning of the recession and then they go down in an effort to pull the economy out of a recession. It is probably too soon to predict if the same will happen this time around and if we will really be in a recession. Keep scrolling for some more data about interest rates and recessions.
It is monsoon season! Typically we will have beautiful sunny weather in the mornings and soaking rain in the afternoon. We have already had a ton of rain which really helped fill our reservoirs and reduce the lingering threat of wildfires. The rain is like a superfood for the wildflowers, they are so amazing right now. It is perfect timing for the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival that kicks off today through July 17th. Make sure to watch my video at the top for 8 (out of a million) of my favorite summer activities!
Have a great weekend!